Warranty Deed

Create your Warranty Deed
Where is the property located?
Built for West Bengal

Different states and union territories have different rules and regulations. Your Warranty deed will be customised for West Bengal.

(Make sure you enter proper spelling before you submit the form)
Your Warranty Deed




Warranty Deed

STATE OF ___________
COUNTY OF __________________
DATE: ____________


For and in consideration of the sum of ____________ , the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the undersigned _________________ of _________________, (the "Grantor"), hereby remises, releases, grants, sells, and conveys, with ____________ , unto _________________ of _________________, (the "Grantee"), all of the Grantor's right, title, interest and claim in or to the following described real estate, situated in ___________________ County, ___________ :


TO HAVE AND TO HOLD to the said Grantee and Grantee's heirs and assigns forever.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Grantor has signed and sealed this Warranty Deed the day and year above written.




Grantor Acknowledgement

STATE OF ___________

COUNTY OF ____________________

I ____________________________, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, hereby certify that ___________, having signed this Warranty Deed, and being known to me (or whose identity has been proven on the basis of satisfactory evidence), acknowledged before me on this day that, being informed of the contents of the conveyance, the Grantor has executed this Quitclaim Deed voluntarily and with lawful authority.

Given under my hand this ____________ .

Notary Public for the State of Alabama

My commission expires: __________________________

Warranty Details
What type of warranty do you want to provide?

(Make sure you enter proper spelling before you submit the form)
Grantor Details
Who is selling or transferring title?

Add another Grantor
(Make sure you enter proper spelling before you submit the form)
Grantee Details
Who is selling or transferring title?

Add another Grantee
(Make sure you enter proper spelling before you submit the form)
Price Details
How much is the property being sold for?
(Make sure you enter proper spelling before you submit the form)
Property Details
What are the legal property details?
Legal Property Description:

(e.g. Lot, Block, Subdivision name, Plat number, Survey number, etc.)

(Make sure you enter proper spelling before you submit the form)
Are there any reservations?

(Make sure you enter proper spelling before you submit the form)
Taxpayer Details
Who will receive the tax notices after the property is transferred?
(e.g. Street, City, State ZIP Code)
(Make sure you enter proper spelling before you submit the form)
Deed Preparation Details
Who prepared the deed?
(e.g. Street, City, State ZIP Code)
(Make sure you enter proper spelling before you submit the form)
Signing Details
When will this deed be signed?

(Make sure you enter proper spelling before you submit the form)
Your Warranty Deed




Warranty Deed

STATE OF ___________
COUNTY OF __________________
DATE: ____________


For and in consideration of the sum of ____________ , the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the undersigned _________________ of _________________, (the "Grantor"), hereby remises, releases, grants, sells, and conveys, with ____________ , unto _________________ of _________________, (the "Grantee"), all of the Grantor's right, title, interest and claim in or to the following described real estate, situated in ___________________ County, ___________ :


TO HAVE AND TO HOLD to the said Grantee and Grantee's heirs and assigns forever.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Grantor has signed and sealed this Warranty Deed the day and year above written.




Grantor Acknowledgement

STATE OF ___________
COUNTY OF ____________________

____________________________, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, hereby certify that ___________, having signed this Quitclaim Deed, and being known to me (or whose identity has been proven on the basis of satisfactory evidence), acknowledged before me on this day that, being informed of the contents of the conveyance, the Grantor has executed this Quitclaim Deed voluntarily and with lawful authority.

Given under my hand this ____________ .

Notary Public for the State of Alabama

My commission expires: __________________________

Warranty Deed

A Warranty Deed is also known as a:

  • Special Warranty Deed
  • General Warranty Deed
  • Deed of Guarantee
What is a Warranty Deed?

A Warranty Deed is a document that guarantees that the title to a property is free from any interests held by others, such as liens. In other words, the grantor (seller) of the property is ensuring that the property is completely clear, as in creditors will not use the property as collateral for the grantor's debt, as an example.

When should I use a Warranty Deed?

Warranty Deeds are generally used for residential home sales between unrelated parties, so that the buyer can ensure that the property is free and clear. In other words, if a buyer wants to be absolutely sure that they will have full ownership rights to the property, requesting a Warranty Deed is a good idea.

Alternatively, the seller could present a Warranty Deed as part of the sale to show proof that they have absolute rights to the title of the property.

What is the difference between a Warranty Deed and a Quitclaim Deed?

A Quitclaim Deed only states the interest the grantor (the person who is transferring the property to someone else) has in the property, and does not guarantee that the property is free from interests held by other people.

A Warranty Deed ensures that the title to a property is free from liens, debts, and any other interests that could be held by others.

A Quitclaim Deed is generally used to transfer real estate between known parties, such as family members or spouses, where the extra layer of protection that a Warranty Deed provides may not be needed.

For instance, if the owner of a property has divorced, they could use a Quitclaim deed to remove their former spouse's name from the property title, and add the new spouse's name (if applicable).

What is the difference between a Warranty Deed and a Deed of Trust?

A Warranty Deed simply guarantees that the title of a property is free from any interests held by others at the time of the property sale. A Deed of Trust ensures neutrality between a borrower and lender by adding a neutral third party to the transaction, called a trustee (usually a separate legal entity like a title company).

In a transaction where a Deed of Trust is used, a lender is loaning money to a borrower so that the borrower can purchase a property. However, a Deed of Trust transfers ownership of the legal title to the property to a neutral trustee until the borrower completely pays off the loan.

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